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Energy-Geosystems Group

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Welcome to our website!


We are the Energy-Geosystems Research Laboratory (EGRL) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL). We are dedicated to finding a solution for the higher-than-ever energy demand, environmental sustainability, biomedical engineering, and the resiliency of old and new infrastructures. Examples of research applications include:


  • Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS). Ex: geologic CO2 storage, Carbonation of recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) using CO2

  • Geo-Energy Storage (Large- and small-scale; e.g., Porous Media Compressed Air Energy Storage (PM-CAES), Pipe-pile-based microscale CAES, Underground hydrogen storage (UHS))

  • Natural Hydrogen (geological) Production

  • Disposal of Energy-byproducts (e.g., spent nuclear fuels (SNF))

  • Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS)

  • Enhanced Oil Recovery; CO2-CH4 Replacement

  • Gas-Hydrate Bearing Sediments

  • Biochar-Amended Soils

  • Resilient Rural Infrastructures/ Resilient Transportation-Geotechnical systems

  • Convection-Enhanced Drug Delivery (CED) to the Human Brain/Tissues

To better understand and thus improve the above operations, we investigate hydro-chemo-thermo-mechanically coupled phenomena in-depth, for example: single-phase reactive fluid transport in porous media, multi-phase fluid flow in disordered-deformable porous media, repetitive fluid injection-withdrawal in the reservoir, ensuing poro- and thermo-elastic stress changes, and geotechnical implications that may arise during these operations. We use both numerical simulations and novel experimental techniques to explore such multi-physically coupled processes.

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