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At Western New England University

CEE 411 Petroleum Fluids & Reservoir Engineering

This course is designed to provide students with a fundamental understanding on the chemical and physical behavior of petroleum fluids. Topics include fluid properties, phase behavior, gas-liquid equilibria calculations, mass balance calculations, and types of petroleum reservoir fluids. This course also covers classification of subsurface reservoirs, recovery mechanisms, and steady-state and transient fluid flow in permeable subsurface reservoirs.

CEE 412 Petrophysics & Reservoir Geomechanics

This course is designed to provide students with a fundamental understanding of petrophysics and reservoir geomechanics. Petrophysics topics include properties of rocks, measurement and interpretation of petrophysical properties, application of petrophysics to subsurface engineering problems, and interaction of resident fluids with rocks. Reservoir geomechanics topics include stress and strain analysis, pore pressure and in-situ stress estimation and measurement, deformation mechanisms in rock, wellbore stresses and failure, depletion-induced reservoir deformation, and hydraulic fracturing.

CEE 430 Geotechnical Engineering

This course is designed to provide students with a fundamental understanding of geotechnical engineering. Topics covered in this course include shallow foundations, driven piles, drilled shaft, earth structures, geoenvironmental engineering, and soil-structure interactions.

CEE 330 Soil Mechanics & CEE 332 Soil Mechanics Lab

This course is designed to provide students with a fundamental understanding of soil behavior. Topics covered in this course include mechanics of soils, composition and classification, compaction and consolidation, shear strength, stress and strain tensors, seepage, slope stability, and soil testing methods. Soil mechanics lab allows students to apply theories and concepts learned in the classroom to hands-on laboratory demonstration of soil behavior and training of various soil testing methods.

CEE 324 Groundwater Engineering

This course is designed to provide students with a fundamental understanding of groundwater engieering. Topics covered in this course include the hydrologic cycle, hydrogeology, unsaturated and saturated flow, confined and unconfined aquifers, well hydraulics, contamination, remediation, solute transport, mathematical modeling, and aquatic chemistry.

CEE 361 Engineering Fluid Mechanics

This course is designed to provide students with a fundamental understanding of fluid behavior with an emphasis on liquids. Topics covered include fluid statics and dynamics, laminar and turbulent flow, pressure, forces, energy equation, dimensional analysis, drag, incompressible and compressible flow, energy and hydraulic grade lines, and simple pumps.

ME 202 Statics

This course is designed both to teach problem-solving techniques and to provide students with the necessary background to take succeeding courses in solid mechanics. Students will become familiar with the analysis of two- and three-dimensional force systems using both scalar and vector techniques. These systems include frames, machines, trusses, and simple structures. Additionaly, students will have the ability to draw free body diagrams and apply the principles of static equilibrium to both particles and rigid bodies and to analyze problems involing friction. Students will determine the centroids of lines, areas and volumes and the moments of inertia of areas and masses using calculus and composite section methods.

© Energy-Geosystems Group at UNL

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