Husker-Led Research Team Aims for Safer Storage of Nuclear Waste
The research team includes (from left) Jongwan Eun, Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Seunghee Kim, Assistant...

GaTech alumni photo
My old GT alumni @ 2018 Early Career Geotech Faculty Workshop, Case Western Reserve University

Rock Mechanics Committee Meeting @ ARMA 2019
Rock Mechanics Committee Meeting at New York, 2019.

19th ICSMGE, Seoul, Korea
with Georgia Tech people @ 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Sept. 17-22, 2017, Seoul, Korea.

KAUST Athenaeum on Dissolution and Precipitation: Implications for Energy Geo-Engineering
Last February, I attended KAUST Athenaeum on Dissolution and Precipitation: Implications for Energy Geo-Engineering (February 7-10,...
Move to University of Nebraska-Lincoln & Hiring a graduate student
I joined the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln as of August, 2016. Now I am building a new...

WNE CEE students in U.S. DOE's Solar Decathlon Competition
The Solar Decathlon team consisting of students in the Depatment of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Western New England University...

Geosynthetics Education Training Program
I attended the "Educate the Educators: Geosynthetics Education Training Program" that was held in Austin, TX, during July 28-29, 2015,...

2015 PDCA Professor's Driven Pile Institute
I attended the Professor's Driven Pile Institute (PDPI) hosted by the Pile Driving Contractor's Association (PDCA) during 22-26 June 2015...
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